Two Sisters, One Kitchen

Quick, healthy meals by a loving team. See what’s cooking in J & K's kitchen!

Yogurt Fruit Blast November 15, 2010

Yogurt Fruit Blast

Jamie says:  I woke up the other day and thought- wow, I am 24 years old!  How time is flying so quickly all of a sudden.  My first cousin got MARRIED this weekend!  I no longer sit at “the kids table.”  And I have less than a year until I am finished with grad school.  Here is a recipe that I wrote when I first started grad school (over a year ago now) for a program my classmates and I developed called Get Healthy Together

Yogurt Fruit Blast


  • ½ cup fresh fruit, i.e strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, grapes, melon, peaches, pineapple, pears, banana, kiwi, and/or mango

  • ½ cup fat-free light vanilla yogurt (Publix)
  • ¼ cup low-fat maple brown sugar granola (Cascadian Farm or Bear Naked)

  1.  Wash, dry, and slice fruit (if applicable).
  2. Pour ½ cup of yogurt in a bowl.  Add fruit to the yogurt.  Sprinkle granola on top.  Serves: 1.  Enjoy!

Sweet and delicious!  The creamy vanilla yogurt, juicy fruit, and crunchy granola go oh so nicely together.

  • Nutrition note:  Each serving contains about 170 calories, 7 g protein, and 2 grams of fat, and provides about 18% of the daily value for calcium.  
  • Fun fact:  Dietetics students and registered dietitians (RDs) often use nutrient analysis software to determine how the nutrient content of a meal, snack, or day’s worth of food and drink compares to an individual’s nutrient needs. 

Thankgiving Breakfast November 27, 2009

Fruit SaladThanksgiving BreakfastJamie says:  I hope everyone is having a very happy Thanksgiving holiday.  I enjoyed watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and doing some Turkey Day baking.  I woke up early, so I started working on Thanksgiving breakfast.  I set the table with our Christmas Spode to kick off the Christmas season.  My contribution to breakfast was a fresh fruit salad made with an array of fruits- bananas, grapes, kiwi, oranges, watermelon, raspberries, and pomegranate seeds.  It was beautiful, delicious, and healthy.  Mom and Dad soon joined me in the kitchen- scrambling eggs, heating up the bacon, pouring tea, coffee, and juice, and bringing Mom’s tasty pumpkin bread to the table.  I also toasted up some English muffins.  I spread my Mom’s homemade cranberries on one half and made an open-faced egg sandwich with the other half.  We sat down to breakfast just in time to watch the ribbon cutting of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade- perfect timing!  We had a beautiful holiday together.  Happy Left-over Day!

Nutrition note:  There are no “bad” foods, just foods that should be enjoyed occasionally.  Everything can be enjoyed in moderation and part of a balanced diet.